Baptism in the Jordan River

This was another of the great highlights of the trip, quite possibly the best one of all. We visited a site called Yardenit that is a Jordan River baptismal site for Christians. I suppose that some could miss the significance of this event since it is clearly a tourist trap to make tons of money off of Christians touring the Holy Land. They have a monopoly on Jordan River baptism and that comes with the expected gift shop as well. Also, I heard some people complain that there was a sort of amusement park feel to it with the guardrails and waiting lines through which people were herded like sheep. I did not feel this at all. I guess that Yardenit is what you make of it.

Personally, this was a very important step in my life and Spiritual journey. There was not a single time that I had any negative feelings toward the site. I actually liked seeing the long lines of Christians in white robes that were seeking to follow Christ with a baptism in the Jordan River. My original baptism was at a time in my life that I was very young and I am not really sure that I comprehended what I was doing. This was my chance to do it over, knowing that my heart was in the right place, and fully rededicating my life to our Lord and Saviour.

The picture above is my baptism. My sister Tara took this awesome picture. Performing the baptism is Dr. Ergun Caner (for those of you that do not know, he is a former Muslim, born in Turkey, that found Christ and now shines in his love and service of Jesus). The person assisting in the baptism is Dr. Gary Yates. I am infinitely thankful to both of these men for making this possible, and to the Lord for working through them and for making this entire trip a reality.

An interesting story that comes with this baptism is that when I was next in line, I took my first step into the water, which went about ankle deep, and realized that the water was freezing! It was ice cold. I said a quick prayer to our Lord asking if he could help me a little in this ice water that I was about to plunge into as I recognize Him as my savior and rededicate my life to Him in an event that would serve to glorify His name. When I was stepping out of the water after the baptism, it occurred to me that I never felt the cold water from the time I stepped in past my ankles and throughout the entire baptism. Praise the Lord! Of course, the emotion going through me during the baptism was so great that it is possible that it overwhelmed me to the point where I wouldn't notice the water, but I am not sure that any level of emotion could overpower water that cold! Imagine, the Lord answered my prayer as I followed in His steps, to be baptised in the Jordan River, and by a former Muslim that had also found Jesus Christ! Our Lord is an awesome God!

“And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan.” Mark 1:9

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